Yeast infections
329 (pre-op) 167 (4-22-10) 150 (lowest and goal Summer 07)
Wife to Russ and Mommy to Elizabeth "Libby"

I thought about the 7 but then decided on the one day on Sunday, I just ran out and got the 3 day though. I am hoping it helps!!
329 (pre-op) 167 (4-22-10) 150 (lowest and goal Summer 07)
Wife to Russ and Mommy to Elizabeth "Libby"

The one day pill does work for me...but usually takes a day or two to kick in. If it hasn't worked for you, then I'd say go w/the 5/7 day threatment - just because it covers a longer period of time, thus hopefully works better for you. Not fun...because it's icky creams rather than a pill...but if it stops the's worth it. I think some of them come w/an anti-itch cream to use during the day too. Eat some yogurt w/probiotics in it too, just to increase the good bacterias ...maybe that'll help too.
A hundred years ago when I was pg w/my son, my dr told me yeast infections are common w/pregnancy, but I don't know if they're common w/early pregnancy. Hope that's what's going on...and that now that it's made it's point, it goes away.
January 2008,
July 2008
December 2008
July 2009
September 2010
July 2011
Mom to Khaled
329 (pre-op) 167 (4-22-10) 150 (lowest and goal Summer 07)
Wife to Russ and Mommy to Elizabeth "Libby"

329 (pre-op) 167 (4-22-10) 150 (lowest and goal Summer 07)
Wife to Russ and Mommy to Elizabeth "Libby"

329 (pre-op) 167 (4-22-10) 150 (lowest and goal Summer 07)
Wife to Russ and Mommy to Elizabeth "Libby"